

Dance performance - 2010 - 30 minutes

Relations focuses on rhythm as an essential element of life.

It brings our attention to the rhythm of individuals and society, creating a confrontation between them. The dancers translate this tension, with personal movement language, into connections between human bodies and between bodies and music. They develop relations in space and time as a reflection of the cultural and social processes that surround us.

“Soli, Pas de Deux und Ensembletanz verdichtet Raffaella Galdi zu einer choreografischen Bogenform. Im Rhythmus zu Alexander Siebers Klangkompositionen aus Stille, Stimme, Geräuschen und dem Ohrwurm „Sunday Morning“ von Velvet Underground & Nico bleibt genug Raum für Doppelbödiges und Momente, in denen die Bewegung zu einer Augenblicksaufnahme einfriert, ja zu einer Pose, einer Plastik erstarrt (…). Aus einfachen Gesten baut sie in ihrer Schlichtheit schöne Szenen zusammen, ohne das Klassische Ballett völlig für den individuellen Ausdruck abzulehnen (...)”.

Uwe Roßner , TANZNET.DE - Greifswald

Concept and Choreography: Raffaella Galdi (in collaboration with the dancers)

Dancers: Margaret Howard, Ayako Nomura, Khrystyna Polyanska, Simon Kranz

Music composition: Alexander Sieber

Song: Velvet Underground & Nico, “Sunday morning”

Light: Raffaella Galdi and Thomas Haack

Costumes: Raffaella Galdi, Barbara Landesberger, Christiane Vogel

Assistance choreographer: Sabrina Sadowska, Mira Moschallski

Dramaturgy: Antje Horn

A special thanks to Virginia Segarra Vidal and Janos Andreas Frydenlund for partially taking part to the creation process.

Production Raffaella Galdi and Theater Vorpommern for the TanZZeiT Festival 2010.

Premiere 20th May 2010, Theater Vorpommern, Greifswald, as a part of the TanZZeiT Festival 2010.

Touring Norddeutsches Tanztreffen, Theater Bremen November 10, Tanztendenzen Festival, Theater Vorpommern, Greifswald October 10, Theater Vorpommern, Straslund May 10.

The research project “Ali” has been giving shape to this work.

Interview to Raffaella Galdi, May 2010