dance sound space poetry
Research Project
(starting in 2011)
Inspired by an image proposed by the visual artist Floriano Secciani while working on the dance performance installation “Ugo” (performed in 2007 in Sophiensaele Berlin), Raffaella Galdi’s research has been dedicated to the exploration of an object and its influence on space and inspiration for dance movements: a sculpture-like white pointed hat. The research concentrated on two fields. The first one was the exploration of a movement language and imagery in dialogue with the object (the hat). The second one was the investigation of a possible sound installation/stage design to support and broaden this imagery. The nine hats did not only create strong images, but also influenced movements due to their size, weight and texture and thus evoked a physical research and dialogue with the objects and the creative potential of their “partnership”. The shape of each hat, a cone, also suggested a specific connection to space and sound. Therefore, Galdi used part of the research time to investigate a possible installation that supported the imagery and movement language she was exploring. The sound sources were placed inside five of the nine hats (more info). Searching for moments and ways to underline or add suspense to the dialogue between body and objects, Galdi experimented with ways of letting sound and objects/sculptures interfere both spatially and on a level of meaning.
The research has been divided in various working blocks conducted in 2011 and 2012.
From the research project dance - sound / space - poetry, Raffaella Galdi gave shape to PAULA, a 50 minutes dance performance with an installation touch, the space poetry. It premiered 26th April 2013 in Kunstmühle Braunschweig.
Rosella Canciello, dance
Raffaella Galdi, concept, dance, hats concept and construction
Mira Moschallski, assistance and dramaturgy
Dietrich Oberländer, technical support, adviser
Friedrik Olofsson, hats technical sound concept and construction
Eva Sophia Sutter, dance