Research Projects
Raffaella Galdi’s research projects are characterised by long periods, in which she thoroughly explores a choreographic idea in collaboration with other artists. Research over a period of several months offers the possibility to get familiar with other artists and to design a layout for possible creations.
The stress free ambience which surrounds the research, facilitates the exchange and assimilation of information and creates space, time and support to develop new ideas and to welcome the unexpected.
The transition from a research period to the creation/production is very subtle. It might take weeks, months or years before a research becomes a well defined creation. Some research periods may give shape to several productions within divers artistic languages, others may just stay a research phase in itself.
For what specifically concerns the research on movements, release and connection as well as body weight shift and logic movements are the physical principles used by Galdi. No matter the tasks she employs to discover new ideas and images, to interact with objects/plastic-art or words/music-sound, logical movements are the base of her dance language.
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“Man can learn nothing unless he proceeds from the known to the unknown” (Claude Bernard)